Purpose-built for DSOs

With Ora, DSOs can streamline their dental practice operations and improve their patient care, all from a single solution.

Cloud Based
Easy To Use
Treatment Sequencing
Integrated Payments
Custom Clinical Notes

Data-driven decisions for smarter DSO management.

Access critical insights and practice metrics from anywhere, making it easier than ever to drive growth and success.

Enterprise APIs

With Ora, DSOs can leverage the full power of our platform while maintaining control over their own data and systems.

Centralized Operations

With Ora's all-in-one platform, DSOs can achieve unprecedented visibility and control over their operations, enabling them to make smarter, more data-driven decisions for their organization.

Single Login, Unlimited Access

Effortlessly manage multiple locations and teams using a single, secure login with cloud technology—enabling you to monitor and manage your operations with complete peace of mind.

Embrace the Future of Patient Care

Don't get left behind in the rapidly evolving dental industry. Discover how digital transformation can revolutionize your dental practice.

Discover what Ora can do for your growing dental organization.